Mike Williams

Mike was the unfortunate recipient of a rowdy raccoon roommate sub-renting while Collin was away for his co-op. Known for his knack of finding the most obscure sleeping places and his infamous drive-by vomiting, Mike is always ready for Tyler to drag him on his next adventure. Whether it's catching a flight midway through a last minute Tennessee trip or throwing on an outfit he knew nothing about minutes before (see below), he's always the first one to show up ready for fun. Just don't expect him to still be there in the morning, he does have to get back home to check on Erma after all.. ;)

Tyler's Perspective

“Michael” – when he’s fancy

Origin: Junior Year of Undergrad

I returned from France and Collin was leaving for co-op in Cbus so I took his room over in the Annadale house. Poor Mike lived in the next room over. Bekah and I were dating at this point and we had developed a habit of kidnapping Mike and forcing him into our social shenanigans. It became a slippery slope of obscure games, flaming Dr. Pepper shots, sign-stealing, and a pregnant (smoking) stripper. Since then, not much has changed. Mike still is up for anything and is overall just a good guy and a solid friend. The only thing that really has changed is his hair color.

Fun Fact: Mike holds the record for walk-by pukings, once hitting a McDonald’s planter and gas station garbage can without breaking stride

Mike showing his moves off during our Impromptu Pimp Party; he didn't even know he had an outfit until we made him put it on when he showed up

Blue hair, don't care

Nothing to see here, just Lexi bonging a beer from.. where exactly?

Handcuff Party losers! Well.. they were 2 of only 4 that didn't throw up, so maybe the winners..

Tyler getting awfully cuddly with Mike at the bar. And he's wearing a Michigan outfit for some reason..

Whatcha building there Mike..?